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Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yay!! My Baby's Babies had born today!!

This morning around 6.30 AM...

I was waked up by mom,

she scolded me that i didnt finish all the food last night..

and ask me to clean all the dishes before she back from work..

After i've finished my job...

I heard my Baby[my pet] keeping making noise...

So I've took a look at them,

Whoa~!!! My Woo Jude Jude Become skinny ady...

then i peep under her's stomach there...

@v@... Cute Babies was there....

= Baby had upgraded to Mommy & Mr.White a Daddy!!

I was so exciting...

I really hope those Cutie Babies growing up as fast & Fluffy Fur Growth on thier little nude body.

From now on, im not dare to disturbing them...

If not,when Mommy angry will eat them up... Sob... so cruel

I'll try make a handling hammy guide soon and post it at my labels...

Cheers... and Happy birthday for my Baby's Babies...LoL

= 3


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