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Monday, April 13, 2009

Arg, y cannot access my adsense!!!

= . = " ... **SIGH**

when i 1st time register adsense...

they disable my adsense account,

but WHY????

they just sent me a msg about adsense acc disable because i've used 2 acc..

=.= " <{EXCUSE ME!!!} this was my 1st acc... !@!#$@$#%$^%&^&*

So i've decided to delete the account and create another...

Sob i have to say goodbye to my 1st old blog & documents... ToT

After i've created another adsense,

i was so excited that adsense will be able to use...

But after 3 days...

They sent me another e-mails which exactly same as the old 1... =.="

Awww....... FINE~!!!!

And im going to try my 3rd times to create another new adsense acc...

And Ta Da~!!!! here it is...

You should saw " nothing " which related to ads...

Hahahaha...SOB .... T@T It comes out the same situation...


= ( i will never bother about it now... what a bad service... haiz...


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