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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Capturing Pictures

In year 2007, after graduate from secondary school...

I began love to taking pictures with myself...

Hmm... i must be love myself so much...

hahaha...joking.. or... maybe its true?...

Well... actually not just myself...

I also likes to take all different kinds of pictures...

And this is one of my collection of picture...

But my collections of pictures are totally gone forever now...

Cause hard disk had spoiled...

Luckily i got saved some of it in my pendrive...

But its never mind... cause i'll hunt new pictures in future...yeah!!

Currently i cant take any picture yet... camera phone had spoild also... haiz...

Oh yea... there is 1 picture that i captured it was kinda creepy...

It almost looks like "something else"...

I think i accidently captured it while mid of night at outside my window...

Actually i wanna capture those cats which gathering and singing at outside my window...

And then i did'nt view the pictures that i've took after it, cause i feel sleepy already...

Just leave it till the next day to view all the pictures...

In next day, I get shock by this picture... hahah...

Hmm... i wonder was it real ?


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