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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Common Hamster Behavior

Hamster likes to chew everything especially their cage bar. The reason why they are chewing the metal bars are that they need to trim their teeth. It is also believed that excessive metal bar chewing can cause the brain to become misaligned, in turn causing brain damage. So it is a good idea to try providing them alternative chewing items such as fruit tree branches and wooden chews which you can buy at the pet store. Remember that hamsters' teeth keep growing all their lives and they must always chew something hard to keep their teeth at the right length.

Naturally, hamstres enjoys doing excercise. A typical day for the hamster entails running the equivalent horizontal distance of 2 miles (3.2 km). Hamster owners has a big responsibility to provide adequate exercise facilities for their hamsters. An excercise wheel is a MUST or the hamster might be bored and also become fat due to lack of excercise. By execercising, they will maintain high levels of fitness, maintain mental well-being, increase cardiovascular fitness and control weight levels.

The mother ate her litters
Cannibalism do happens between the mother and the newborn pups. The reason could be the mother is trying to protect the other pups in the cage from starvation or dehydration if there are too many pups to actively taking care of. It may also occur if the pup is handled by a human or other non-hamster creature before the pup matures. This behavior is commonly happend to the mother which giving birth for the first time. Other main cause is the mother depression due to several factors such as disturbance by the father or human or unhealthy living environment. So try to keep the mother happy by providing enough needs such as food and seperate the father if you found that he is disturbing the mother and pupps.

Stores food in their mouth
Hamsters use their cheek pouch to collect and transport food and nesting material from one place to another. When emptying their cheek pouch, they will use their forepaws to push the contents from the back of the cheek pouch forwards. This is especially important in the wild, as the cheek pouch enables a hamster to hoard and store food in winter, and when food supplies are low.


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